Saturday, September 19, 2009

If You Can't Be Tough, At Least Read the Puritans.

I like to think that I'm in a class of people that some might consider rugged...or determined...or steadfast. I also think that if anyone lived inside my head, they would know I am none of these things, except maybe determined and that is not always in a good way.

To compensate, I have been reading the prayers of people for whom rugged and steadfast would be just the beginning. The book is called Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayer and Devotions. It has been really helpful in this journey of waiting for a baby. Here is an excerpt of my current favorite prayer:

"My sin is to fear what never will be;
I forget to submit to thy will, and fail to be quiet there.
But Scripture teaches me that thy active will
reveals a steadfast purpose on my behalf,
and this quietens my soul, and makes me love thee." (p. 85)


  1. of my favorites....Valley of Vision. It is always a huge help in whatever I'm going through. Glad it is ministering to you.
    Praying for you friend. Our time will come.
