Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Advantages to Cleaning My Room

I was getting ready to throw away a piece of paper. Until I read the back. There, I found a list of things which have the potential to change my life.

The list is called "Forms of Dying." It is by John Piper. It caught my eye because I know someone who is dying. Then it caught my eye because of how very much this list needs to apply to me.

Here it is. May it be a blessing to you.

Forms of dying:
-dying to the desire for an untroubled life
-Having no jealousy means dying to the desire for unshared affection.
-Not boasting means dying to the desire to call attention to our successes.
-Not acting unbecomingly means dying to the desire to express our freedom offensively.
-Not seeking our own way means dying to the dominance of our own preferences.
-Not being easily provoked means dying to the need for no frustrations.
-Not taking account of wrongs means dying to the desire for revenge.
-Bearing all things and enduring all things means dying to the desire to run away from the pain of obedience.

From a sermon called "The Greatest of These is Love" delivered on June 25, 1995.

More sermons and resources at Desiring God.

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